Update—–Really—-A True Update

June 2, 2016, KapEye, 5254 Views 0 Comments

My ankle…things are going really well and I hope to get this boot off in a couple of weeks.  My doc is being super careful so that nothing goes wrong.  I’m with her on this one.

Since I’m not out performing for right now, I’m putting my efforts into marketing.  I am working  with a company that will basically act as my agent, putting me in contact  with specific agents, managers, and performers that are looking for original songs for their artists to perform and record.  As most of you know, I have released four CDs …all with my original songs.  In addition to my island influenced tunes, I’ve written songs in different genres such as  blues, rock, country, humorous country,  and some sweet ballads. The company will definitely have a variety of styles to work with.

So that’s what I’ve been doing.  If any of you have any helpful suggestions in this venture, please email me through this website.

One more thing….See you next season in the islands.